Monday, August 20, 2012

The Hobbit Highway Epilogue: "Pinned"

I would be remiss in my story telling efforts if I did not include, albeit late, a tiny tale about...the falling down pin.

A falling down pin is a special trinket. It is bestowed upon the recipient in public, at the very time of purchase. It must represent not only the falling down event, but the personalities of not only the one who earned it but also the one who presents it. With any luck at all no one else will earn the falling down pin and it will remain as a good luck piece for the bearer. BUT, should there ever come a time when some good riding buddy falls over, the pin must be passed on with a grand public ceremony and many well wishes for keeping the shiny side up.

In keeping with the rules ( that I have made up ) for bestowment ( is that a word? ) I found the most appropriate of falling down pins in a Hallmark store in Keene, New Hampshire and as sales girls and random shoppers looked on I made a small speech and gave Bestie her pin. While the onlookers applauded we paraded out onto the street.

I am hoping it will always say " I'm having a Good Day "!

Wear it with a smile Bestie!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Hobbit Highway...The Last Day.

There are so many opportunities in life. Everyone has them. Sometimes they are expansive and sometimes not.  An awful lot of us use others and our every day situations to avoid these opportunities. Namely our husbands, our kids, our jobs, our yards, our pets, our health concerns, our fears. I would hope that if you are really intent on enjoying your time on this earth, you will not use the people in your life or your obligations as excuses to keep you tethered to the mundane. If you really want an adventure, you just have to decide that what you are doing will be one!

If you are ready to accept the opportunities life is offering you, than I suggest you decide if you want to experience them on your own or if you want to go with a friend. And, if you want to go with a friend then you better make certain the friend you take is your Bestie!!

 While on a motorcycle adventure:

Only a Bestie can understand your need to snack at night even though you have stuffed yourself with Mexican food just hours before.

Only a Bestie will tolerate your ADHD brain trying to unwind at the end of a long ride...your body exhausted but your mind still wanting to go, go, go and absorb every moment; take in all stimulation!

Only a Bestie can understand that, after she falls over on YOUR most prized possession while on HER most prized possession, you don't feel angry,  you feel bonded!

Only a Bestie will follow your instructions for curing hiccups by nearly breaking a rib as she takes a header off a twin bed...and let you video it! ....and then laugh hysterically for the next three days while you recount it to anyone who will listen! 

Only a Bestie will lead you through a red light and laugh.

Only a Bestie will keep going straight when you turn a u-turn and find her way back to you....all the while knowing that it is just more fodder for Bestie's Corner and many hours of hilarity!

Only a Bestie will listen to your endless ideas for new adventures, new ways to start a new career, new ways to impact the world in positive ways......need I go on??

Only a Bestie trusts you to keep her safe over hill and dale, and only a Bestie knows it is all about living life to its fullest every day because we just are not guaranteed anything more.

Opportunities for living your life to its fullest do not require money, or special clothing. They do not require the right gear or the right weather...a grand plan or great food. They require your commitment to make whatever comes your way an unforgettably, wonderful experience! And if you have a Bestie to share them with then you are, indeed, blessed!

Go live with joyful abandon and as though being kind and loving are the only things that count in the afterlife! If you want to live your life to its fullest, then you need to live between the cracks!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

On The Hobbit Highway: Day....mmmmm, not sure.

Ahhhhh, where did I leave off? Oh yes! The falling down pin.

Well, I have not been able to secure the perfect falling down pin. But, as we begin our loop back into New Hampshire I do so with great optimism that I will find one before journey's end.

Yes, it is time to head back towards New Jersey and as we do so we are still filled with anticipation for the ride days ahead and not a little seafood! Bestie ate her and my share of shellfish and I enjoyed just as much haddock and salmon. Maine raspberries are delicious and the Maine blueberry pie delightful. Our hostess at The East Wind Inn at Tenants Harbor was extremely accommodating and everyone there very tolerant. Well, we don't go anywhere without causing a bit of a scene and this was no exception. The thing we do most and best is to laugh. And laugh we did, about everything . Well, mostly about ourselves. We think we are hilarious. Others probably think we are immature and obnoxious but I don't think about that much. I just laugh!

So this morning sees us getting ready to leave the lovely harbor and head toward Keene, New Hampshire. I had been watching the weather lo' these many days and consulting hubby back home but to no avail. The weather that arrived today was much more than expected. We left our little harbor haven in a slight mist. Not a problem at all. It had rained most of the night, soaking our bike seats and Bestie's pack containing her riding gloves. But for the most part we started dry and happy.

Have you ever been to a theme park and stood in line for a really big, new ride and the closer you got to actually strapping in you realized you really didn't want to go at all, in fact you really just wanted to drive through the safari park at the opposite end of the complex? we secured our packs and donned all our gear and the sky began to spit we thought that it would just be a few minutes and we would ride right through it and we would be merrily on our way to New Hampshire via routes 1 SB and I-95. WRONG!!

Thirteen miles down the road in Tomaston is where we stopped to "wait it out".  We waited and waited  and waited just a wee bit more. And just as the heavens decided to let go with a soaking downpour, we decided it was time to stay in Maine. So with directions to the nearest hotel we found our way through a drenching rain 2 miles down the road to the Lovely Hampton Hotel.

I must say that Bestie proved herself a TRUE Road Warrior as she overcame her concern and rode her bike in great Bestie fashion in the worst of circumstances to cover. We pulled in under the over hang, I dismounted my dripping steed and realized I had gained 20 pounds of water. As I struggled to slosh my way to the automatic door of the reception area I prayed they would have room for us. When I splashed in just past the sliding doors, the two front desk attendants, bellboy and two male guest looked up and gasped. As I stood in an ever deepening puddle of my own making, and as water ran off my helmet and into my eyes and mouth, I announced I had arrived and I wasn't leaving.

10 minutes later we had a beautiful room, a laundry facility to dry our soaked gear and towels to wipe down our steeds with! Maine hospitality....pretty darn good!

Lfe is a great ride. Sometimes the plans we make are the best ever and we see them through right to the end. Sometimes it is the plan that gets diverted, re-vamped until it is unrecognizable, that brings us the best time. You have to be ready for the things life offers you inbetween what you think you want. As we fold our warm, dry belongings and we pour out a libation, we lift our living between the cracks!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

On The Hobbit Highway: Day Two

I am not certain I even know where to begin!

Well (?) ....let's see.Have you ever heard of a falling down pin? No? Well, a falling down pin is given to the rider who, on a motorcycle trip, drops their bike. Not crashes, but falls over. I am on the hunt today for such a pin. It is my great honor and privilege to "pin" Bestie! 

So....let's back up.

Taking a long motorcycle journey is physically and mentally tiring for the most seasoned of bikers. The fact that this is Bestie's first big journey on her Harley 883 is not to be minimized. Our first day on the road we traveled about 200 miles on highway. The second day found us traveling just about as far, but on small two lane roads through the less populated areas of New York and New Hampshire. After riding for many hours over several days one gets....I don't know...."giddy". No, that does not describe it..."stupid" describes it more accurately.

So, picture the two hobbits on their trusty steeds, winding their way through the shire.  ( New Hamp...shire ). Up one mountain side and down another. One little hobbit following the other and the other trusting her GPS to lead them safely over hill and dale. As they approach their final destination on day two, the GPS gives information to the leading hobbit that is terribly confusing, so she pulls into a parking lot to figure it out. The littlest hobbit follows along but stops far from the first. This is where the sorry tale should have ended. But it didn't.    

 The littlest hobbit decides that the other will want to speak with her so pulls in along side of the other with the best of Hobit intention...and falls over on top of her. With motors whining, fat asses bumping and legs tangling, it was a regular Hobbit cluster f**k on a grand scale!!

With both hobbits now completely pinned between two bikes that collectively weigh over 1000 pounds, is it any wonder that the ensuing struggle to right themselves could have won them spectacular, special medals for Comedy Olympics?  No...there is no wondering involved!

Once we got the little Hobbit out from the tangled mess, we righted her steed and then mine. The important thing here is that no one was injured. (...and I didn't like that left blinker on my bike anyway!! )

When they arrived at their destination in the shire, dusty and tired, they poured out a libation and amid gales of lusty laughter, drank to the other and a grand day out.

Monday, August 13, 2012

On The Hobbit Highway: Day One

Sunday, August 5

So here we are in Albany. .....I dont know why.  

Evidently toilet paper was invented here. I guess I could make some hilarious association that subconsciously our pooping issues led us here...but I won't. Ironically, we are sitting at breakfast waiting for the coffee to work, if you get my drift.  I am hoping Albany hasn't run out since inventing it. With the two of us sharing a bathroom it could get intense. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

T minus 20 hours

Well, friends, Bestie and I are nearly ready for our Epic Journey.

Mind you I took an Epic Journey several years ago that lasted 17 days and covered 3000 miles through 9 states and Canada. Then a 3000 miler to the Epic Motorcycle Road in Tennessee, The Tail of the Dragon. ( Do yourself a favor and find U-tube video of riders on this mountain!!! ) Both fantastic trips! Both filled with lots of fun, shenanigans, and more than my share of laughter!

So why is it I get this feeling that this particular 1000+ mile adventure with Bestie is going to give those two trips combined a run for their money???? OIY!!!

We have planned this trip for a while now. Oh...well, that is not right.  I have been mapping this particular trip out for about two months.

You see, nothing is easy for Bestie and me and we should have known when we started to plan our motorcycle adventure that it would be no different.

We first got the grand idea to ride out to New Mexico ( plan A), to visit Bestie's son, the fall of 2011. I looked into places to stay and began to map a ride and make reservations while Bestie thought it over. After much conversation we decided against that and as a plan B we decided to fly there and rent motorcycles. I continued to map a ride and make reservations while Bestie found rentals. The only catch being that Bestie is a slightly smaller hobbit than I, so we could not find her a motorcycle she would have been comfortable with.

On to plan C!

Plan C was a beautiful plan indeed! ( If I may say so myself! ) We were to find our way to Wawa, Ontario, Canada. A beautiful, albeit remote, area on my favorite Great Lake, Lake Superior. A 2,200 mile trip that would have required a lot of hard daily riding in order to get there and back within our allotted time frame. "Hmmmm", said Bestie. Okay.

On to  plan D!

Plan D was short lived though we both had come up with the exact same idea to travel to a National Park Cavern in Alabama. So, I started mapping out a ride and making reservations when off in the distance I hear my phone ringing. It is Bestie. "Listen..." she says, "...I don't think it is fair that you don't get to go to Wawa, so let's just stick with that plan." "Okay!" I say as I slowly exhale.

On to plan E* ( *a revised C...are you still following me here, people??? Are you beginning to understand why this just might be my ride of a lifetime??? LOLOL )

 Plan E* ( *revised C ) is back to re-establishing reservations and planning stops in places with names like Beaver Falls, PA and towns that have gigantic plastic Loons outside their eating establishments. Wait! what is that?? A text from....BESTIE!! "Just wondering about the distance to Wawa...perhaps Nova Scotia would be better."

NOVA SCOTIA IS FARTHER, BESTIE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA... ahhhhhhh you can't make this S**T up!

Okay. On to plan F!

 Plan F was short lived because, I have to say here that, Bestie came to her senses rather quickly on this one after we chatted and she realized it was a very great distance with a lot of hard riding...not unlike if we had gone to Wawa. I didn't even get out maps or make hotel calls. Within a day we were...

...On to plan G!

 Plan G has been, since its inception, Our Ride. It was quickly agreed upon that we should go to Maine. So to Maine we go! I am happy to report there will be no plan H! We head north tomorrow! Nearly a year after deciding that we would go riding to New Mexico.

Each day will be a pretty easy ride in great riding country. We will ride from New Jersey to New York state, through Vermont, into New Hampshire, and on to Maine and then back again.

When we pull back into New Jersey we will have put at least 1200 miles on the bikes. That is a good vacation!

Women over 50, on our own motorcycles, heading out for a week...excellent!
Riding with your Bestie....Priceless!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Enjoying the Garden

In the book Contemplative Prayer by Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh, ( two spiritual teachers whom I greatly admire ), We read,"...contemplative prayer is not so much a way to find God as a way of resting in him whom we have found, who loves us, who is near to us, who comes to us to draw us to himself."

Life between the cracks isn't limited to the odd, funny or ironic. It has a much bigger scope to which these other perspectives belong. To me living life between the cracks means I acknowledge that life is a composite of seemingly insignificant sights, sounds and experiences; that I take the time to see the smaller, more basic components to a view, a situation, a conversation, etc.

The easiest way to sit with God is to sit with him where we have found him already. Nature. There is no need to be constantly asking for his presence, for blessings, for this and for that. Sit in your garden, at the park, at the beach, on your porch and rest in his presence.

This, too, is life between the cracks!!!
( click on photos to enlarge )

Monday, June 25, 2012

Old Hobbits Die Hard: Epilogue

While sitting with the entire lower half of my throbbing body encased in medicinal ice, I had some quality time to reflect upon our little outing. Several things have come to me which, in the interest of keeping other would-be adventurers safe and happy, need to be shared.

The number one thing that comes to mind which I did mention in passing but which bears repeating is, please remember to bring your own water supply.

Number two is that walking sticks are not for the faint of heart or inexperienced. I can say this with the utmost of confidence because I am a seasoned hiker and yet twice during our fiasco adventure I somehow managed to get it tangled up in my feet and not only trip myself up but nearly take out Bunny as I lurched forward to catch myself. Please don't try these things at home, rookies. You must keep in mind, Bunny and I are professionals!

The third thing I will share relates directly back to number one. Next time I will NOT forget to bring the urine purification tablets, just in case we run out of water again. You may just want to make certain you carry a large supply of H2o!!

And last but not least, number four. The trail was beautiful and magical and I must share it with you. So until next time then, please enjoy these. ( click on the individual photo to enlarge.) 

( F.Y.I. Bunny is resting up and the doctors told her not to worry about the numbness and the limp....said it most likely isn't permanent. )


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Old Hobbits Die Hard

If you made her stand on my shoulders we still wouldn't be able to reach the ceiling fan in the dinning room to change the light bulb without an extension claw of some sort.

We are little people. Short. One might even say hobbit-like. But, as the post title would suggest we are very sturdy and what we lack in stature, we more than make up for with intestinal fortitude! Never let it be said that we can not finish what we we think we thought we started!! (???)

Heres the thing. Back in our hey-days we were something to behold. We could, while grocery shopping, carry a kid on each hip while dragging the third behind us with a string of black, sticky licorice dug out from between the cracks in the carseat, all while tossing needed food supplies into the only grocery cart that had a wonky wheel! I, myself, can fashion a large leanto or a small combustion engine with toothpicks and chewing gum. But I digress.

So, when Bunny and I took to the hiking trail yesterday, not only did we do so armed with bug repellent, whistles ( you are welcome Bunny) diamond willow walking sticks ( only the best for Besties ) binoculars, zoom lens cameras, a wild flower reference book ( thank you Bunny ), lunches and water bottle,( note that it is not plural), we were also packing a heck of a lot of natural bravado. We had done this simple hiking stuff back in the day with kids in tow, carrying all camping supplies on our own backs while singing Julie Andrew songs and knitting sleeping bags to be used at the evening campfire that we would have brought to flame using our spectacles and the sun!

Let me just say here that when Hobbits age, it isn't pretty.

We opted for the 7.8 mile hike. We could certainly do that with our eyes closed, hopping on one leg and do it in about 2 1/2 hours.

Imagine our surprise when, 5 hours later, we were just arriving back to the park office from whence we started.

The energy, optimism and bravado that had led us to take the first strong steps onto the "red" trail had been abandon for whining and fits of uncontrollable laughter brought on by sheer exhaustion and insufficient water intake. ( The fact that I forgot my water because I was fixated on remembering the afore mentioned diamond willow walking sticks can not be overlooked. However, we would have never made it out alive had we not had those walking sticks to lean our small hobbit-like bodies onto during those last 2 1/2 miles, hydrated or not!)

The fact that we had started our adventure identifying the flora, admiring the view and nature's displays of "art", ( click pic. To enlarge is worth it to see the spider web )

 that we were privy to some sweet moments with some of the woodland's smallest and largest family members, bolstered our spirits when at the end our hips burned, our backs bent, our feet ached, and our parched bodies ( thank you Bunny for sharing your water so bravely), stumbled along the path under the watchful, steely eyes of the turkey vultures.

As we tumbled from the brush at the end of the trail and into the parking lot of the park office, our lips dry, our tongues sticky, and our bladders full we used our walking sticks to straighten ourselves up a bit and then we hobbled as only two proud hobbits can, into the park office to pee and buy a beverage.

You can never keep a good hobbit down! We are strong and it takes a lot to kill us! Old Hobbits Die Hard!

Life goes on...between the cracks!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bunny and Viv: The Road To Cambridge ( 2nd Tale )

So, you are beginning to get a vague picture of what spending any amount of time with us might be like. Now imagine traveling with us. I know, I know it makes us shudder too, but we are compelled to do it! Who else could possibly tolerate the other except for one who understands on a cellular level. Remember and never forget, " It takes one to know one ".

So we finally get down the ghastly route 13 with its constant stop and go traffic in 80 degree weather and into Cambridge on route 50. All our summer gear sliding around on our hot-flashing bodies ( and do not mis-read that, I did NOT say hot, flashy bodies ). We are tired and hungry and not a little bit thirsty.

Did I mention that Bunny was commander and chief on this ride? Well she was and she likes to travel "by the seat of her pants" so to speak. This is not a bad thing, but it does make for some interesting times.

Imagine yourself as an innocent bystander on route 50....just standing there watching traffic when from the east come two amazing looking bikes and their confident riders. They ride past looking strong and focused. Ten minutes later you see, coming at you from the west, two more amazing looking bikes with fairly confident riders....wait, they look a little familiar? No, couldn't be. They ride past and you dismiss thoughts of them looking ...wait! Closing in on you from the east not ten MORE minutes later are those same damn two biker chicks, AGAIN! What the heck? Now your curiosity is peaked and within the next fifteen minutes they go back and forth two more times! The last time they pass by they are slumped over their gas tanks, their tongues hanging out and flapping in the breeze. They look dazed and confused.

Let me just say at this point, my friends, that I will never again let Bunny be commander of our rides without declaring myself Lodging Leader. She can lead me to kingdom come and back, I would be fine with that....but, at the end of the trail there WILL be a reserved room with two beds within walking distance of a restaurant.

So, as you watch them pass by one last time headed west, you wonder..did they make it? Yes, yes we did! We made it to Easton, Maryland where we finally found a great hotel and a taxi service to a fabulous restaurant! Someday we may even go back so that we can see it in daylight! Perhaps we will get to Cambridge next time too!

Ahhhhhhh, Life Between The Cracks!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bunny and Viv: The Road to Cambridge, ( 1st tale )

So, here's the thing.....Bunny is a teacher. I am not referring to the fact that she has a natural ability and she loves to teach, which she does. I mean she actually gets paid to be a teacher! I must say that I have seen her in action and in my humble opinion she is a damn good one.'s the thing. The fact that we are over fifty means that our brains do not work just as we would like. Let me give you an example.

Phonetic pronunciation ( she is thinking )..."ka nives"....she repeats it over and over to herself as she is barreling down highway 13, firmly planted on the seat of her black 883 Harley Sportster. She just doesn't remember EVER seeing that word before! She looks again at the upcoming billboard. Yep, that is what it says she thinks to herself, "ka nives". She even says it out loud three or four times. What does it mean??? At this point, just before the billboard passes into her rear view mirrors forever, the impulse from her brain to LOOK at the picture finally reaches her eyeballs. The clue?????...A huge picture of a kitchen knife......"OHHHHhhhhhh.....KNIVES......

It would seem that sometimes Bunny lives in a crack, too!

WELCOME, my friend, WELCOME!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

On The Road With Viv And Bunny

How do I explain crazy? I am not certain. It is like I know good art when I see it. It is the same with crazy, it really is! I know it when I see it. Which leads nicely into my next piece of truth: It takes one to know one!!!

Yep, I think I might be certifiable ( and a bad speller, which I have come to believe is a sign of genius, but I digress ). However, I seem to have found a fellow crazy, a nut job, a true Bestie, with whom I can share adventures, laugh fests, motorcycling and good food. I recognized her the minute we had our first conversation. Like that piece of fine artwork you will never part with because you knew when you first laid eyes on it it was priceless, she is recognizably certifiable. And though she be a tremendous speller I suspect she, too, is a genius. But, again, I digress.

So here you have it. Two over fifty women who ride motorcycles together, share all kinds of adventures together, experience post-menopausal symptoms together
( well not together but sometimes simultaneously ), and trade life experiences and advice with one another in order to bring our combined craziness, hilarity and wisdom, but mostly the craziness and hilarity, to a sad and sober world.

In case you don't realize, this is a great calling and not one to be taken lightly!
It isn't every crazy that can be as open and honest about it all as we are! Oh no, no, no. This exceptional existence is not to be embraced by those who may have trouble with their stomachs or nervous systems OR who would rather deal with the anxieties caused by our special form of crazy without medication. No, if you want herbal remedies and yoga instruction you need to leave. This is hard core crazy that sometimes ( often ) requires a Doctor's written prescription. But once again I digress! What I am trying to get at here is Bestie and I take this calling very seriously. Living between the cracks is only for those with intestinal fortitude and no other choice.

So, as summer unfolds I ( Viv ) will tell you about my adventures with her ( Bunny ) in order that you may experience a little bit of crazy from the safety of your own home. Remember, we are definitely professionals in this area so do not try anything you read about here on your own unless you have a spotter and a Doctor's note that says you, too, are certifiable.

A Link to The Stories From My First Epic Journey

So, I can't really figure out how to repost all the stories from my first blog into this blog so that they are in order

It is easier, I realized after an hour, to give you the link and you can read more there. It has photos AND hilarity.

Here is the link

My first Epic Journey

July 8th, 2008

Dear Diary,

I believe that everything is infused with the Spirit of God. Even our actions and movements. Some people, things, movements and actions have very little of that Spirit. Some people, things, movements, actions have an abundance.

In the planning stages of the EPIC JOURNEY I had let the entire SIS Association know that any and all members were welcome. At first I wondered how smart this was because I had no clue as to how many would actually show up. I had no idea, then, if it would be a manageable number for me and my ADD brain. But, I decided since it was a spiritual journey for me, and that my intention infused the journey, that it would most likely be a spiritual journey for whomever came along. Though I would work diligently during our travels to ensure that every one stayed safe and happy, for the most part, any one individuals experience ( and perception ) was out of my hands and the journey would unfold and end up as it should. I believed that those who would end up coming would be the very people for which this journey had been called into being. ( Along with me, of course )

Love your neighbor as yourself.

The peace and existence of our world would be secured if we all lived by this one Truth.

That if you truly loved yourself ( were empty of fear which produces selfishness, and defensiveness ) you really would be free to act and re-act out of a self-less love for others. Love your neighbor AS yourself. Loving self comes first...then loving others selflessly.

The love in one that casts out fear....can make such a profound difference in the life of another. Just sharing our selves, which is a powerful act of love, makes that difference.

We all got up this morning cleansed, so to speak. We had had a great bonding evening that went a bit deeper than most bonding moments during a bike trip, I am guessing.

As I got ready for my day, still chuckling at all the goofy things that were said and done last night, I realized I had started to be changed by these women. I believe that these women, regardless of what reasons they gave themselves for coming on this trip, were called to it.

As I started to pack my bike I ( After having showered in Mosquito repellent, and I am NOT kidding ) I took a moment to take pictures of our steeds.

I could hear the sound of the brook near by as it tumbled ever closer to the big lake. The air was cool and damp; symptoms of the existing overcast sky that hinted of the weather moving in. Once in a while I could hear a car passing by on highway 61, but for the most part, nothing. Stillness. Air.....and me with the bikes.

Foxy's trike. Big and deep blue. A Honda. Stable on her three wheels. Ready to take a passenger or carry an extra piece of luggage. In essence, ready to assist. Reliable, easy to ride, ready to roll when you are.

This is Foxy. Foxy and her family own and operate a saw mill in central Wisconsin. She is without a doubt the picture you would see if a picture were included with the meaning of the phrase, "Salt of the Earth". Ya, Youbetchya!

After having been met by my brother and his wife in Bayfield the previous Sunday and led into Duluth as a special favor to me, Scarlett, Foxy and I then made our way to see my eighty-eight year old Mother in a care facility.

Foxy, I could tell, was not the least bit out of her element. She was at home with my Mom; with my "family visit". I knew that if my mom had asked her to help her to the bathroom, Foxy would have done so without a second thought for herself and then probably would have offered to help her with her daily ablutions too. That is just the kind of person she is.

There is a carefree and wild side to Foxy that, perhaps, isn't so welcome at times in the conservative environment of central Wisconsin. So, perhaps, she keeps some of who she is hidden a lot of the time. I wish that weren't so for her sake. But, that is why she came along with us. We got to know and love Foxy.....all of Foxy, not just part of her. Her spirit is very young, though it has weathered some difficult times. Foxy's oldest daughter died just a day or two after giving birth to Foxy's grandson nine years ago. Foxy has a big, beautiful tattoo on her chest of a fairy blowing stars from her hand and her daughter's name. Pam.

Foxy was called to this journey.

Then there is Twitter's bike next to Foxy's. Twitter's bike was re-named after much talk of frogs and flies and face-reddening, gut wrenching laughter. We named the bike 'Nooner'. A low slung V-Star 1100. Burgundy and Cream.

Nooner has the ability to have a side car attached. So that even though you may see only the bike, the reality is that there is a piece of Nooner missing when the sidecar is not in place. A beautiful bike on its own, Nooner is completed by the side car. This is Twitter ....and her daughter.

What little you know of Twitter through these entries would lead you to believe that Twitter lives a carefree existence, full of frivolity and humor. Though, indeed, she fills her life with humor it is out of necessity. Without her humor, her world would consume her. Twitter, or Leah as her family knows her, has three biological children. The older two boys, now in their early adulthood's, have some emotional problems that have, at times and even now, been extremely difficult to deal with. Her darling daughter, Angela, was born 12 years ago with Downs Syndrome.

The name Leah has its origins in Hebrew and means 'weary'. In her short life, Twitter certainly would have every excuse to be 'weary' given the amount of attention, care and concern her children require. Not to mention the worry that, is not required but, just comes with the territory. But as you have read, Diary, she is anything but weary. She defies her name and inspires those around her to deal with their moments as best as they can and trust that the Spirit will guide, support and provide, all while finding the humor in the moment...finding sanity to move forward. One, of many, ways that Twitter keeps sane is by writing her own blog about her life with her daughter Angela and life in general..... you can find it by clicking here: Garden of Eagan.

Nooner, as I mentioned can have a sidecar attached. Angela loves to ride in the side car. A mother and daughter bike. A proud mother. A gifted mother. An hilarious mother!
They are blessed to have each other!

Twitter was called to this journey

Then there is Scarlett's bike. I cannot look at Scarlett's bike without seeing her second bike in my minds eye. Scarlet started on a Savage 650 and then moved to a Honda Shadow 750. The 750 prepared her. Now she rides a Honda VTX 1300. A reliable, quiet bike that is low to the ground. Ready to move out when called upon and not needing to be fast. This bike handles well and will perform when asked. This is Scarlett.

Scarlett's first response when I strongly 'asked' her to come along on this trip was to say she wasn't certain she could. She didn't tell me then but she was doubting her riding abilities and her stamina. She had spent years not valuing her abilities and had been left a bit, i don't know, tired, worn down perhaps by a couple of relationships.

It took Scarlett some time to think it through and realize that she WANTED to go but lacked the 'moxy' so to speak. If you remember, Diary, I have already told you that she has more moxy than most! So she set out to eliminate anything that would give her reason to back out. She got her health issue under control, released her worry over family, got her VTX 1300 so she knew she would be comfortable and (when need be) faster. She took an Experienced Rider Course, bathed in moxy for months and put away her TV remote control. She opened her heart and her life and said she was coming.

Scarlett was called to this journey

And lastly, there is the 1200L Harley Sportster that belongs to me. A real workhorse of a bike with sparkles on top. Snappy throttle (voice) and lowered by design, custom seat
( ahem ) and progressive shocks. You can't get much lower to the ground. Maintained ( and that can get expensive ), it is always ready for a ride but sputters during warm up, though it is fuel injected. It will take whatever you give it whether it is an unpaved mountain road , a nice quiet highway, busy town traffic or a drop in gravel and handle all of it with a great sporting attitude. At the end of a long run it will take to keeping its revs higher at a stop, so it needs its cooling down time. But it doesn't take long for that and it is ready to roll again!

This is me. Like every one else I have my share of woes and have been knocked down by life on occasion....but like the sporty, I get back up, get dusted off, *sigh*...and off we go to try again!

One of the ways I cope is by hosting a motorcycle crash site dedicated to helping those who have lived through any type of motorcyle incident, and those who have lost a loved one to a crash. It is called Biker's Haven.

I was definitely called to this journey!

So here we are, all together and on the road, sharing a part of ourselves and a bit of life with one another. This is good Spirit energy. This is life changing love.

Kissing The Frog; The Final Chapter
So Diary,

As you have read we have already had quite the event filled day.

Scarlett and I have been on the road together now for one week and I think she has pushed the envelope, with regards to her riding skills, nearly every single day and proven to herself that she has the ability to handle whatever she encounters. I think she may be a bit road weary and a bit tired of me stalking her ass for more pictures. HAHAHAhahahahaha!!!!! But, I really don't care because it is just too darn funny to give up doing! Everyone needs a muse. Evidently Scarlett is mine for the duration!!! Heeheeheehee....

We have been a group of four now for about three full days and it has become apparent that Twitter and I were separated at birth ( and about six or seven years ).
It is like reuniting with a long lost twin. We talk over each other but say the same things. We make the same hand movements and gestures often simultaneously and end up inadvertently whacking each other. We ride with a similar slouch and treat our throttles with a snappy confidence. Our tendency toward impatience is exceeded only by our desire to laugh, make someone else laugh and the propensity to "fix" things even if nothing is broken.

I am most confident that between the two of us we believe that we could do almost a plane if the pilot suddenly kicked the bucket....ride a horse bareback into town for help if Timmy falls into the shelter that would defy an earthquake and keep everyone warm and dry for years....find, take down and prepare food in the wilderness with a nail file, a bungee cord and hot bike pipes...or even sew a severed limb back on. About the only thing I know I can't do is pull out someones tooth. But I am betting Twitter could do that. And I know she has an aversion to reptiles, so I can cover her on that front. Yep...I think we are definitely a pair to be reckoned with, as 'they' say. The only problem I can foresee is that we would never be able to regain our strength from the constant and hysterical laughing that enslaves us, in order to actually 'do' any of those things.

So Diary, by the time we get to dinner this first night of the four of us being on the road we are ALL pretty weary. 'Cept for maybe Foxy. ( I could swear I saw her knitting as she was trekking down the highway today on that comfy trike!!! And you do realize, Diary, that there is no way for HER to win the 'Falling Down Pin' from me!! Blast! ) We enter the unsuspecting establishment, as is now our custom, screaming with laughter, talking loudly to compensate for the bike, wind and road noise which is still ringing in our ears and generally ignoring the personal space of every one else around us.

The wonderful thing is that never once has any one been offended or disturb. Quite the contrary, Diary. We seem to attract people and positive attention like honey attracts flies.

We stopped for dinner this Monday evening at a small pizza place in Grand Marais. Chatting, laughing, dirty and ready for anything we no sooner get all our gear off ( again ) and sit down when the first admirer arrives. A young local gent with nothing better to do than to sit at the table next to us while he eats and enjoy the show. When he leaves he actually comes up to us to thank us and wish us a great journey!

The next moth to the candle comes up from behind Scarlett. A woman in her late sixties, early seventies. She looks and sounds just like Dame Edna ( an English Female Impersonator) blue hair and all. It turns out she is nearly as humorous and she chats about her friends who ride four-wheelers through the woods and then ride to dinner sporting shirts that say something like, "Bad to the Bone" HAHAhahahahah! Can you picture THAT Diary???HAHAHAhahahahaha! When we ask her her name she stutters a bit and then responds in a more subdued tone than heretofore employed, "Well, my name is Sandy...except when I am in Arizona...then my name is Crystal!" **?????????????????**!!!!!!!!!!!!!** HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG! Diary, we laughed so hard Twitter and I almost couldn't bear it! ( As Twitter is want to say, "Perhaps you had to be there." )

Before we left she got out her camera and got her picture taken with us! I tell you what, I won't soon forget that face or her enthusiasm!

On the way back to the motel Twitter and I decided we need a bottle of something so that we can have a cocktail before bed. This seems to really irk Scarlett, who as you will remember is pretty road weary by now. Scarlet takes off down the road with Foxy in tow ( much to Foxy's dismay ). It took Twitter and I a couple of minutes to stop focusing on just ourselves to figure out that Scarlett was unhappy. But, being us we figured we could 'fix' it back at the motel! Hahahaha ahhhhh!

It is apparent that when I get back Scarlett is upset. But here is the great thing about being on the road with women bikers. They pretty much take responsibility for their own garbage and issues. When I inform her that we can't go anywhere tomorrow until the air is cleared, and I profess my love and loyalty ( hee hee...i do love ya Scarlett! ) The day finally catches up to us and we melt into tears and while I hold her hand and we sit on the bed she shares a bit of her heart and personal story. In the middle of it Twitter presses her face against our window and we invite her in. Now the three of us are bonding and holding hands and in comes Bev. The team is complete. I get out my guitar and Twitter and I sing a few praise songs for every body ( HA!... I bet that's a surprise for some of you! ) and then a heart felt rendition of One Tin Soldier. ( You won't get that travelin' with stinky old boy bikers! )

It is at this point that the giddiness ( or was it the wine??? and by the way Scarlet didn't partake...THAT night anyway!) sets in and we start to laughing all over again. The fact that I found a strange bathroom device between the toilet and the shower which sparked Twitters imagination only added to the ensuing hilarity.

Just before calling it a night we briefly touch on the events of the day. It has been filled with some really weird energy and we are exhausted because of it. It is at this point we realize...WE DIDN'T KISS THE FROG THIS MORNING!!!!!

Well, Never again Diary. The moral to this little tale?...Always keep your frog handy and make certain it gets kissed every morning! (HAHAHAHahahaha...inside joke for Foxy, Scarlett and Twitter!)

Diary....don't forget to say a prayer....