Well, friends, Bestie and I are nearly ready for our Epic Journey.
Mind you I took an Epic Journey several years ago that lasted 17 days and covered 3000 miles through 9 states and Canada. Then a 3000 miler to the Epic Motorcycle Road in Tennessee, The Tail of the Dragon. ( Do yourself a favor and find U-tube video of riders on this mountain!!! ) Both fantastic trips! Both filled with lots of fun, shenanigans, and more than my share of laughter!
So why is it I get this feeling that this particular 1000+ mile adventure with Bestie is going to give those two trips combined a run for their money???? OIY!!!
We have planned this trip for a while now. Oh...well, that is not right. I have been mapping this particular trip out for about two months.
You see, nothing is easy for Bestie and me and we should have known when we started to plan our motorcycle adventure that it would be no different.
We first got the grand idea to ride out to New Mexico ( plan A), to visit Bestie's son, the fall of 2011. I looked into places to stay and began to map a ride and make reservations while Bestie thought it over. After much conversation we decided against that and as a plan B we decided to fly there and rent motorcycles. I continued to map a ride and make reservations while Bestie found rentals. The only catch being that Bestie is a slightly smaller hobbit than I, so we could not find her a motorcycle she would have been comfortable with.
On to plan C!
Plan C was a beautiful plan indeed! ( If I may say so myself! ) We were to find our way to Wawa, Ontario, Canada. A beautiful, albeit remote, area on my favorite Great Lake, Lake Superior. A 2,200 mile trip that would have required a lot of hard daily riding in order to get there and back within our allotted time frame. "Hmmmm", said Bestie. Okay.
On to plan D!
Plan D was short lived though we both had come up with the exact same idea to travel to a National Park Cavern in Alabama. So, I started mapping out a ride and making reservations when off in the distance I hear my phone ringing. It is Bestie. "Listen..." she says, "...I don't think it is fair that you don't get to go to Wawa, so let's just stick with that plan." "Okay!" I say as I slowly exhale.
On to plan E* ( *a revised C...are you still following me here, people??? Are you beginning to understand why this just might be my ride of a lifetime??? LOLOL )
Plan E* ( *revised C ) is back to re-establishing reservations and planning stops in places with names like Beaver Falls, PA and towns that have gigantic plastic Loons outside their eating establishments. Wait! what is that?? A text from....BESTIE!! "Just wondering about the distance to Wawa...perhaps Nova Scotia would be better."
NOVA SCOTIA IS FARTHER, BESTIE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA... ahhhhhhh you can't make this S**T up!
Okay. On to plan F!
Plan F was short lived because, I have to say here that, Bestie came to her senses rather quickly on this one after we chatted and she realized it was a very great distance with a lot of hard riding...not unlike if we had gone to Wawa. I didn't even get out maps or make hotel calls. Within a day we were...
...On to plan G!
Plan G has been, since its inception, Our Ride. It was quickly agreed upon that we should go to Maine. So to Maine we go! I am happy to report there will be no plan H! We head north tomorrow! Nearly a year after deciding that we would go riding to New Mexico.
Each day will be a pretty easy ride in great riding country. We will ride from New Jersey to New York state, through Vermont, into New Hampshire, and on to Maine and then back again.
When we pull back into New Jersey we will have put at least 1200 miles on the bikes. That is a good vacation!
Women over 50, on our own motorcycles, heading out for a week...excellent!
Riding with your Bestie....Priceless!
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