Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bunny and Viv: The Road To Cambridge ( 2nd Tale )

So, you are beginning to get a vague picture of what spending any amount of time with us might be like. Now imagine traveling with us. I know, I know it makes us shudder too, but we are compelled to do it! Who else could possibly tolerate the other except for one who understands on a cellular level. Remember and never forget, " It takes one to know one ".

So we finally get down the ghastly route 13 with its constant stop and go traffic in 80 degree weather and into Cambridge on route 50. All our summer gear sliding around on our hot-flashing bodies ( and do not mis-read that, I did NOT say hot, flashy bodies ). We are tired and hungry and not a little bit thirsty.

Did I mention that Bunny was commander and chief on this ride? Well she was and she likes to travel "by the seat of her pants" so to speak. This is not a bad thing, but it does make for some interesting times.

Imagine yourself as an innocent bystander on route 50....just standing there watching traffic when from the east come two amazing looking bikes and their confident riders. They ride past looking strong and focused. Ten minutes later you see, coming at you from the west, two more amazing looking bikes with fairly confident riders....wait, they look a little familiar? No, couldn't be. They ride past and you dismiss thoughts of them looking ...wait! Closing in on you from the east not ten MORE minutes later are those same damn two biker chicks, AGAIN! What the heck? Now your curiosity is peaked and within the next fifteen minutes they go back and forth two more times! The last time they pass by they are slumped over their gas tanks, their tongues hanging out and flapping in the breeze. They look dazed and confused.

Let me just say at this point, my friends, that I will never again let Bunny be commander of our rides without declaring myself Lodging Leader. She can lead me to kingdom come and back, I would be fine with that....but, at the end of the trail there WILL be a reserved room with two beds within walking distance of a restaurant.

So, as you watch them pass by one last time headed west, you wonder..did they make it? Yes, yes we did! We made it to Easton, Maryland where we finally found a great hotel and a taxi service to a fabulous restaurant! Someday we may even go back so that we can see it in daylight! Perhaps we will get to Cambridge next time too!

Ahhhhhhh, Life Between The Cracks!!

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