Thursday, August 16, 2012

On The Hobbit Highway: Day....mmmmm, not sure.

Ahhhhh, where did I leave off? Oh yes! The falling down pin.

Well, I have not been able to secure the perfect falling down pin. But, as we begin our loop back into New Hampshire I do so with great optimism that I will find one before journey's end.

Yes, it is time to head back towards New Jersey and as we do so we are still filled with anticipation for the ride days ahead and not a little seafood! Bestie ate her and my share of shellfish and I enjoyed just as much haddock and salmon. Maine raspberries are delicious and the Maine blueberry pie delightful. Our hostess at The East Wind Inn at Tenants Harbor was extremely accommodating and everyone there very tolerant. Well, we don't go anywhere without causing a bit of a scene and this was no exception. The thing we do most and best is to laugh. And laugh we did, about everything . Well, mostly about ourselves. We think we are hilarious. Others probably think we are immature and obnoxious but I don't think about that much. I just laugh!

So this morning sees us getting ready to leave the lovely harbor and head toward Keene, New Hampshire. I had been watching the weather lo' these many days and consulting hubby back home but to no avail. The weather that arrived today was much more than expected. We left our little harbor haven in a slight mist. Not a problem at all. It had rained most of the night, soaking our bike seats and Bestie's pack containing her riding gloves. But for the most part we started dry and happy.

Have you ever been to a theme park and stood in line for a really big, new ride and the closer you got to actually strapping in you realized you really didn't want to go at all, in fact you really just wanted to drive through the safari park at the opposite end of the complex? we secured our packs and donned all our gear and the sky began to spit we thought that it would just be a few minutes and we would ride right through it and we would be merrily on our way to New Hampshire via routes 1 SB and I-95. WRONG!!

Thirteen miles down the road in Tomaston is where we stopped to "wait it out".  We waited and waited  and waited just a wee bit more. And just as the heavens decided to let go with a soaking downpour, we decided it was time to stay in Maine. So with directions to the nearest hotel we found our way through a drenching rain 2 miles down the road to the Lovely Hampton Hotel.

I must say that Bestie proved herself a TRUE Road Warrior as she overcame her concern and rode her bike in great Bestie fashion in the worst of circumstances to cover. We pulled in under the over hang, I dismounted my dripping steed and realized I had gained 20 pounds of water. As I struggled to slosh my way to the automatic door of the reception area I prayed they would have room for us. When I splashed in just past the sliding doors, the two front desk attendants, bellboy and two male guest looked up and gasped. As I stood in an ever deepening puddle of my own making, and as water ran off my helmet and into my eyes and mouth, I announced I had arrived and I wasn't leaving.

10 minutes later we had a beautiful room, a laundry facility to dry our soaked gear and towels to wipe down our steeds with! Maine hospitality....pretty darn good!

Lfe is a great ride. Sometimes the plans we make are the best ever and we see them through right to the end. Sometimes it is the plan that gets diverted, re-vamped until it is unrecognizable, that brings us the best time. You have to be ready for the things life offers you inbetween what you think you want. As we fold our warm, dry belongings and we pour out a libation, we lift our living between the cracks!

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