There is a Sacred Space between the out Breath and the in Breath. A half second in time when peace reigns. If we want to, we can learn from that Sacred Moment, and bring what we learn into everything we do, bringing Sacredness to all our moments.
Early in this leg of my Journey, I was on my porch, sitting in a rocking chair with my wee little legs protruding awkwardly out in front of me and trying to adjust myself so I could rest my feet on the porch railing when a honey bee flew up to me and hovered in front of my nose.....glaring at me. She stared me RIGHT in the eyes and just hovered there for what seemed like 5 minutes but was more like 40 seconds or so. I was mesmerized. She seemed very intent on her business and I couldn't shake the feeling after she left ( as abruptly as she came ) that she was trying to tell me something. I sat for a few minutes, but as they are want to do, the dogs wanted to be let back in in their endless search for the right place to lay down. So up I got and in the house I went with them. One of them walks straight to the back door and "asks" to be let out. ( I should mention here that the back area is reserved for their basic needs, if you catch my drift. ) As the sliding door scoots to the left far enough for the dog to get through up ZOOMS a honey bee and hovers, yet again, inches from my nose. As I stood their eye to ...eye with this honey bee it occurs to me I should stop and take notice.
Bringing Sacredness to all our moments.
I hold it in my heart that Life IS Sacred. All Life. And as I age I am embracing the deep desire to live fully into that belief, without reservation and with joyful abandon. All Life is Sacred. If one believes this to be true, it doesn't take much to then realize that even if we choose to ignore that fact ( which many of us do to varying degrees ), it doesn't change the fact that Life is Sacred at all times, in all places, at all levels, in all things.
The Earth is Sacred. She doesn't need us to help her BE. She can BE and BE quite healthfully all on her own. That is how She is made. Divine Creator made her a living organism. She supports US in all our ways. We need to see her Sacredness and bring that into every moment. In this way we will not abuse her.
Your breathing becomes sacred as you breath the sacred air that was given us by design. Say thank you.
Washing your face with clean water becomes Sacred as you begin and end your day. Say thank you.
Throwing out your neglected abundance becomes sacred because you have been blessed with so much. Say thank you.
Everything comes from Mother Earth, everything you eat, all your tools for life, everything you think, say and do...all has roots somehow, someway in Mother Earth, Say thank you.
In this way, this taking the time ( what, all of a second ) to say "thank you", brings the sacredness back to a conscious level. It is always there, the sacredness. Not acknowledging it does not negate it. But when you choose to acknowledge it in these little moments of your life, you begin to understand yourself as the Sacred Being that YOU are, too! And then the honey bee moments, well, they fill your heart with the most amazing gratitude. and I am here to tell you that the more you live EVERY moment in gratitude the more "honey bee" moments you will have.
If Life is Sacred, ( and it is ) then don't lose yourself in that which keeps you from experiencing Life the way it is Supposed to be experienced. That would be very, very sad, indeed.
A bit of irony here, related to our lunch conversation the other photography, in order to get a steady shot while hand-holding a camera, you click the shutter between the breath in and the breath out. Hmmmmm......
ReplyDelete.....even better....try between the out breath and the in breath. There is a big difference in the energy in the space between breathing in and breathing out and the energy in the space between breathing out and breathing in. The space between the out breath and the in breath is relaxed and still.